The Teachers’ Lounge Movie Review: It Is Visceral Intense & Uncompromising 

The Teachers' Lounge
The Teachers' Lounge

The Teachers’ Lounge(German)

Starring Leonie Benesch, Eva Löbau

Directed by  İlker Çatak

Rating: *** ½

The Teachers’ Lounge  is that bolt from the  blue that  shows  up once every year or two claiming a place among the great cinema .

The greatness of The Teachers’ Lounge (German: Das Lehrerzimmer)lies not so much in the core plot(which in itself is quite striking)  but in the way first-time director İlker Çatak aligns the student forces in the classroom as some kind of an intellectual army. They are shown to crack open codes connected to subtle discrimination and other transgression  emerging from the teachers’ staffroom, deconstruct these  and  mobilize their young minds into  tackling the problems faced by marginalized students .

 There is  a Turkish(Muslim) child in the classroom whom the school administration  accuses of theft  just because he has cash in his wallet. His fellow students see this as racial discrimination, and their class teacher Carla(Leonie Benesch) supports the accused boy and his mother.

Then  Carla upright virtuous  and  a little  too stubborn to be  considered  an upholder  of the truth,  is herself in the dock when she accuses a member of the  academic staff Friederike Kuhn(Eva Löbau) of stealing from  her wallet.

 The crisis  is not as black-and-white as  it  seems. Carla had planted a spy video to catch the thief. Her  very modus operandi is under question.Is Carla a champion of justice or  just a nosy annoying  busybody?  Leonie Benesch plays  Carla  both ways. She is  at once a seeker of the truth and  a bit of an attention seeker. Either way, the actress is  a fabulous choice for the role.This is  the first time I have seen her impressive work, and I  want to see more.

 But even  she would have to admit that the film clearly belongs to the  students. These children are so uninhibited  by the presence  of a  camera that they  seem to be part of an actual classroom. I don’t know  how the director did it. But this is  among the finest depictions  of  student conflict,and that too at such a young age,  seen in cinema of any language.

The  film’s core conflict is between Carla and Kuhn’s son who  studies in Carla’s class and who is  hellbent on  proving his  mother’s innocence. This, outwardly, is not a  battle of equals. But then when has life dealt just blows on those who dare to  question the status quo?

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