Rainbow Rishta, Looking At  The Other Side, With Love

Rainbow Rishta
Rainbow Rishta

Rainbow Rishta(Prime Video; 6 Episodes)

Rating: ****

  It isn’t so much about coming  out. It is  what happens  after coming out that  occupies the epicenter of this happy sunshine-filled  almost-euphoric lives of several memorably showcased members of the  LGBTQ community, all of  whom seem to be gunning for the glorious happy ending at the end of the  rainbow.

And   never mind if  the rainbow remains rigidly symbolic. Equality for the gay/trans  community is a distant dream. This optimistic series, well executed by  a team which  knows how to pull those heads in the clouds in the  politically acceptable direction,swerves away from the struggles of the community to focus on how  happy  gay persons can be  if they set their hearts on it.

 Only one trans woman Daniella Mendoca’s  dark past is mentioned. But it is the  present that the series gifts to Daniella.Her wedding occupies  a chunk  of  the narrative.

 In Kolkata, a  lesbian couple  Aneez Saikia and Sanam Choudhary, are looking for a home together. The  brokers’ reactions when they are  told that the two girl are not just friends, are an amusing  mirror of  society struggling to come to terms with  a rapidly changing moral order where alternative sexuality is  no  longer taboo; and yet an open acceptance of  same-sex relationships is not yet fully  feasible.

A  question that  begs an answer  at this point is: why is it so  important  for  the  LGBTQ  community to  not only get acceptance  but  also to reinforce the  new  acceptance in  every walk of life ?If for example, Anees and Sanam(both look like kids) cannot get a home together, why can’t they move in together  without punctuating their sexual preference. No one is  asking them to  hide their  sexual preference. But no one is asking them their sexual preference either. You don’t go to a restaurant and say, ‘Okay I am gay. Now  will  you serve me dinner?’

There is  a disturbing element of defiant exhibitionism  in the new woke avatar  of  the  LGBTQIA+ community. This element is amply  and  blissfully  celebrated  in this  series. The homosexual/trans  characters in  this  series are  all  well-placed wage-earning individuals. Their sexuality is  not threatened. What happens to gays and  tansgenders  in small towns and  villages who have no access to the knowledge or wealth to protect themselves  from extraneous attacks?

It is all neatly arranged for  the sexually deviant  community on Rainbow Rishta,  none more so than Ayushman  who transforms into a cross-dressing diva under the arclights in the night with the seductive stage  name of Lush Monsoon.

 The  transformative  urge  dominates the  lives of  the  LGBTQIA+ community in  Rainbow Rishta. Being  queer is  not  a problem  for them. Not  even social acceptance. Their problems,  like dating through apps,  look  rather easy to solve when we consider  the real challenges faced by  the  marginalized  communities in our county.

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